Book Your Officiant Early

By: Allen Bencomo, Humanist Master Celebrant

Chief Contributing Editor - Officiants

INCLUSIVE: the magazine

Congratulations lovebirds!

As you dive into wedding planning, there's one crucial step that often gets overlooked: booking your professional officiant. In this article, we'll uncover why choosing your professional officiant early is essential. From setting the tone to personalized ceremonies, let's explore why your professional officiant, especially an allied officiant should be at the top of your wedding checklist.

The Symbolic Heart of Your Ceremony

Your wedding ceremony is the essence of your special day—a beautiful expression of your love and commitment. By booking your professional officiant first, you ensure you have the perfect person to create a meaningful ceremony that captures your unique bond and values. They'll help craft an experience that resonates with you and your guests, setting the stage for a memorable day.

Yet, some are tempted to have a close friend or family member write and perform your ceremony. While this adds a personal touch, it's crucial to consider their lack of professional experience, knowledge, and training in officiating weddings. A professional officiant has perfected their skills through countless ceremonies, guaranteeing that every word they utter holds the weight and meaning your special day deserves.

If you still feel strongly about involving a loved one, there's a compromise that can bring you peace of mind. Consider hiring a professional officiant to work alongside your friend or family member. This way, your friend can receive guidance and support, and the officiant can step in seamlessly if your friend decides to back out at the last minute.

Availability and Scheduling

Don't let availability become an obstacle! By prioritizing your professional officiant, you secure their availability early on, avoiding disappointment. Professional Officiants are often in high demand, especially the LGBTQIA allied, so it's crucial to lock them in as soon as possible. If you fall in love with a venue but find your preferred professional officiant already booked, it can lead to complications. Locking in your professional officiant ensures that all the elements of your big day align smoothly.

Personalized Ceremonies Tailored to You

Your love story is unique, and your ceremony should reflect that. Booking your professional officiant in advance allows you time to build a connection. Discuss your vision, share your story, and collaborate on creating a personalized ceremony that feels authentic to you. Your professional officiant will understand your preferences, beliefs, and any cultural or religious aspects you want to include. The result? A ceremony that celebrates your love story and leaves a lasting impression on both you and your guests.

Expert Guidance and Support

Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but your professional

officiant is there to guide and support you. By booking early, you establish a relationship that allows them to offer valuable insights, recommend readings and rituals, and help you navigate the ceremony details. They become a trusted advisor throughout your wedding journey, ensuring your ceremony reflects your desires and values.

Setting the Tone and Creating Anticipation

Your professional officiant's presence sets the tone for your wedding day. By securing them early, you can plan around their unique energy, speaking style, and demeanor. This helps create anticipation and excitement among your loved ones. Knowing that a crucial piece of your wedding puzzle is in place allows you to relax and enjoy the planning process.

As you embark on wedding planning, remember to prioritize booking your allied professional officiant. They bring your ceremony to life, offering guidance and personalization. Start your wedding planning journey by securing your professional

officiant and let the magic of your ceremony unfold.

INCLUSIVE the magazine July 2023 Issue

Your wedding ceremony is the essence of your special day—a beautiful expression of your love and commitment. By booking your professional officiant first, you ensure you have the perfect person.

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Photo By Branden Roth
Roshni-Anisah Wedding